
The Segmentation agent automatically generates user cohorts for your product

Humanic increases activation and drive higher conversions by understanding and activating micro-conversions.

Cohorts are at the heart of understanding, visualizing and measuring micro-conversions.

Cohorts are organized in a hierarchy - Stages, Milestones and Cohorts.


  • Top level of the hierarchy represents broad categories, often based on factors like pricing plans, geographic regions, or a combination. Ideally, each of these high-level groupings should contacin users with similar journeys.


  • Milestones represent intermediate steps in the user's successful journey. The Segmentation Agent utilizes product usage data to generate the milestone for each product for each stage.


  • User cohorts are organized by product milestones. Typically, there are 2/3 significant cohorts per milestone.

Editing -> You can customize the parameters for each Stage, Milestone, and Cohort by clicking the three-dot icon or the edit button. This will open a slide-out modal where you can add, edit, or delete parameters, as well as override the system-generated values. See detailed instructions here

Last updated